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@article{marchal2007impact, title={Impact of technological creep on fishing effort and fishing mortality, for a selection of European fleets}, author={Marchal, Paul and Andersen, Bo and Caillart, B and Eigaard, Ole and Guyader, Olivier and Hovgaard, Holger and Iriondo, Ane and Le Fur, Fanny and Sacchi, Jacques and Santurt{\'u}n, Marina}, journal={ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil}, volume={64}, number={1}, pages={192--209}, year={2007}, publisher={Oxford University Press} } @article{whipple2000models, title={Models of predation and fishing mortality in aquatic ecosystems}, author={Whipple, Stuart J and Link, Jason S and Garrison, Lance P and Fogarty, Michael J}, journal={Fish and Fisheries}, volume={1}, number={1}, pages={22--40}, year={2000}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} } @article{doring2010development, title={Development of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in European seas}, author={Doring, Ralf and Druon, Jean No{\"e}l and Gascuel, Didier}, year={2010} } @article{whitmarsh2000profitability, title={The profitability of marine commercial fisheries: a review of economic information needs with particular reference to the UK}, author={Whitmarsh, David and James, Carl and Pickering, Helen and Neiland, Arthur}, journal={Marine Policy}, volume={24}, number={3}, pages={257--263}, year={2000}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{suris2002profitability, title={Profitability of the fishing fleet and structural aid in the European Union}, author={Sur{\i}́s-Regueiro, Juan C and Varela-Lafuente, Manuel M and Garza-Gil, M Dolores}, journal={Marine Policy}, volume={26}, number={2}, pages={107--119}, year={2002}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{prellezo2012review, title={A review of EU bio-economic models for fisheries: the value of a diversity of models}, author={Prellezo, Ra{\'u}l and Accadia, Paolo and Andersen, Jesper L and Andersen, Bo S and Buisman, Erik and Little, Alyson and Nielsen, J Rasmus and Poos, Jan Jaap and Powell, Jeff and R{\"o}ckmann, Christine}, journal={Marine Policy}, volume={36}, number={2}, pages={423--431}, year={2012}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{tzanatos2012metier, title={A M{\'e}tier-Sustainability-Index (MSI25) to evaluate fisheries components: assessment of cases from data-poor fisheries from southern Europe}, author={Tzanatos, Evangelos and Castro, Jose and Forcada, Aitor and Mati{\'c}-Skoko, Sanja and Gaspar, Miguel and Koutsikopoulos, Constantin}, journal={ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil}, pages={fss161}, year={2012}, publisher={Oxford University Press} } @article{ramirez2016institutional, title={Institutional challenges for policy-making and fisheries advice to move to a full EAFM approach within the current governance structures for marine policies}, author={Ram{\'\i}rez-Monsalve, P and Raakj{\ae}r, J and Nielsen, KN and Laks{\'a}, U and Danielsen, R and Degnbol, D and Ballesteros, M and Degnbol, P}, journal={Marine Policy}, volume={69}, pages={1--12}, year={2016}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{ramirez2016ecosystem, title={Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in the EU--Current science--policy--society interfaces and emerging requirements}, author={Ram{\'\i}rez-Monsalve, P and Raakj{\ae}r, J and Nielsen, KN and Santiago, JL and Ballesteros, M and Laks{\'a}, U and Degnbol, P}, journal={Marine Policy}, volume={66}, pages={83--92}, year={2016}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{lepolicy, title={POLICY CONCEPT NOTE ON EAFM IMPLEMENTATION}, author={Le Meridien Chiang Rai Resort, Chiang} } @manual{staples, title={Essential EAFM. Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management Training Course. Volume 1 - For Trainees}, author={Staples, D and Brainard,R and Capezzuoli, S and Funge-Smith, S and Grose, C and Heenan, A and Hermes, R and Maurin, P and Moews, M and O'Brien, C and Pomeroy, R}, organization={FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific}, address={Bangkok, Thailand}, year={2014}, } @article{duggan2013identifying, title={Identifying functional stakeholder clusters to maximise communication for the ecosystem approach to fisheries management}, author={Duggan, Deirdre E and Farnsworth, Keith D and Kraak, Sarah BM}, journal={Marine Policy}, volume={42}, pages={56--67}, year={2013}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{symes1997european, title={The European Community's common fisheries policy}, author={Symes, David}, journal={Ocean \& Coastal Management}, volume={35}, number={2-3}, pages={137--155}, year={1997}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{salomon2014masterstroke, title={Masterstroke or paper tiger--The reform of the EU׳ s Common Fisheries Policy}, author={Salomon, Markus and Markus, Till and Dross, Miriam}, journal={Marine Policy}, volume={47}, pages={76--84}, year={2014}, publisher={Elsevier} }