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Stats Department (stats)

Code Name Number of tutorials Literature
205 Tölfræði frá grunni 6 0
544 Applied multiple linear regression 6 0
240 A short course in R 1 0
stats310 Simple linear regression 3 0
stats625 Mathematical statistics 7 0
stats510 Logistic Regression 3 0
stats660 Linear mixed models - work in progress 2 0
stats546 Experimental design and ANOVA (in progress) 4 0
e411prma Psychological Testing 1 0
546 Applied analysis of variance 2 0
0999 Applied multiple linear regression - old 3 0
stats101 Tölfræði og R frá grunni 7 0
545 Theory of linear models 5 0
02-33.02 Reikningur og grunntölfræði 1 0
03-39.04 Tölfræði og tilraunaskipulag 1 0
stats100 Introductory statistics 3 0
stats202 Líkindareikningur og tölfræði (OLD yfirlitsspurningar) 1 0
203 Líkindareikningur og tölfræði 2 0