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@online{cfp2017, ALTeditor = {European Commission}, title = {The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP}, date = {24/01/2017}, url = {}, OPTsubtitle = {Management of EU fisheries}, } @article{rowe2003mating, title={Mating systems and the conservation of commercially exploited marine fish}, author={Rowe, Sherrylynn and Hutchings, Jeffrey A}, journal={Trends in Ecology \& Evolution}, volume={18}, number={11}, pages={567--572}, year={2003}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{ward2016understanding, title={Understanding the individual to implement the ecosystem approach to fisheries management}, author={Ward, Taylor D and Algera, Dirk A and Gallagher, Austin J and Hawkins, Emily and Horodysky, Andrij and J{\o}rgensen, Christian and Killen, Shaun S and McKenzie, David J and Metcalfe, Julian D and Peck, Myron A and others}, journal={Conservation Physiology}, volume={4}, number={1}, pages={cow005}, year={2016}, publisher={Oxford University Press} } @article{gaichas2016framework, title={A framework for incorporating species, fleet, habitat, and climate interactions into fishery management}, author={Gaichas, Sarah and Seagraves, Richard and Coakley, Jessica and DePiper, Geret and Hare, J and Rago, P and Wilberg, M}, journal={Frontiers in Marine Science}, volume={3}, pages={105}, year={2016}, publisher={Frontiers} } @article{chassot2011satellite, title={Satellite remote sensing for an ecosystem approach to fisheries management}, author={Chassot, Emmanuel and Bonhommeau, Sylvain and Reygondeau, Gabriel and Nieto, Karen and Polovina, Jeffrey J and Huret, Martin and Dulvy, Nicholas K and Demarcq, Herve}, journal={ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil}, volume={68}, number={4}, pages={651--666}, year={2011}, publisher={Oxford University Press} } @article{halpern2010placing, title={Placing marine protected areas onto the ecosystem-based management seascape}, author={Halpern, Benjamin S and Lester, Sarah E and McLeod, Karen L}, journal={Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, volume={107}, number={43}, pages={18312--18317}, year={2010}, publisher={National Acad Sciences} } @article{pennino2011trophic, title={Trophic indicators to measure the impact of fishing on an exploited ecosystem}, author={Pennino, Mar{\'\i}a G and Conesa, D and L{\'o}pez--Qu{\'\i}lez, A and others}, journal={Animal Biodiversity and Conservation}, volume={34}, number={1}, pages={123--131}, year={2011} } @article{heenan2015climate, title={A climate-informed, ecosystem approach to fisheries management}, author={Heenan, Adel and Pomeroy, Robert and Bell, Johann and Munday, Philip L and Cheung, William and Logan, Cheryl and Brainard, Russell and Amri, Affendi Yang and Ali{\~n}o, Porfirio and Armada, Nygiel and others}, journal={Marine Policy}, volume={57}, pages={182--192}, year={2015}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{doring2010development, title={Development of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in European seas}, author={Doring, Ralf and Druon, Jean No{\"e}l and Gascuel, Didier}, year={2010} } @article{ramirez2016ecosystem, title={Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in the EU--Current science--policy--society interfaces and emerging requirements}, author={Ram{\'\i}rez-Monsalve, P and Raakj{\ae}r, J and Nielsen, KN and Santiago, JL and Ballesteros, M and Laks{\'a}, U and Degnbol, P}, journal={Marine Policy}, volume={66}, pages={83--92}, year={2016}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{bellido2011fishery, title={Fishery discards and bycatch: solutions for an ecosystem approach to fisheries management?}, author={Bellido, Jose M and Santos, M Bego{\~n}a and Pennino, M Grazia and Valeiras, Xulio and Pierce, Graham J}, journal={Hydrobiologia}, volume={670}, number={1}, pages={317--333}, year={2011}, publisher={Springer} } @manual{staples, title={Essential EAFM. 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