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\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %bibtex package \usepackage{natbib} \usepackage{bibentry} \nobibliography* \begin{document} \section*{Tutorial 4} \subsection*{Lecture 10} \subsubsection*{Introduction to Discards} General background to discards and discard policies - \bibentry{kelleher2005discards}\\ \noindent General background to discards and bycatch - \bibentry{alverson1994global} \subsection*{Lecture 20} \subsubsection*{Bycatch} Background to bycatch - \bibentry{hall2000catch}\\ \noindent History of the bycatch issue - \bibentry{alverson1999some} \subsubsection*{Slippage} Portuguese case study on slippage - \bibentry{stratoudakis2002sardine}\\ \noindent Survival rates of purse seine slippage in relation to crowding in Atlantic mackerel - \bibentry{huse2010mortality} \subsection*{Lecture 30} \subsubsection*{Undersized discards - population impacts} The relationship between mesh size and survival of discarded undersized sand whiting - \bibentry{kennelly2000reducing}\\ \noindent Impact of length limits in relation to life history strategy - \bibentry{coggins2007effects} \subsubsection*{Low-value discards - population impacts} Model for determining population impacts of non-target discards - \bibentry{piet2009modelling}\\ \noindent Calculating and evaluating the mortality and in turn population issues from discarding non-target species - \bibentry{pope2000gauging} \subsubsection*{Predator-prey impacts} Impact of discards on large predators - \bibentry{stevens2000effects}\\ \noindent shifts in population size altering predator-prey interactions - \bibentry{alverson1994global} \subsubsection*{Energy Flow} Impact of carrion input from discards on benthic organisms - \bibentry{ramsay1997consumption}\\ \noindent Impact of a discard ban on energy turnover - \bibentry{sarda2015overlooked} \subsubsection*{Scavengers} Scavenger consumption of discards and its ecosystem impact - \bibentry{bozzano2002fishery}\\ \noindent Drop time and consumption of discards by scavengers - \bibentry{hill1990fate} \subsection*{Lecture 40} \subsubsection {Economic Impacts} General overview - \bibentry{pascoe1997bycatch}\\ \noindent General overview - \bibentry{cappell2001economic}\\ \noindent General overview - \bibentry{alverson1994global} \noindent General overview - \bibentry{clucas1997study}\\ \noindent Case study on the potential impact of the EU discard ban with examples for commercially valuable species - \bibentry{catchople2005discards}\\ \subsubsection*{Commercially Valuable Discards} Economic impact of discarding marketable catch due to regulatory requirements - \bibentry{patrick2013estimating}\\ \noindent Economic impact of harvesting commercially valuable juveniles - \bibentry{najmudeen2008economic}\\ \subsubsection*{Illegal Species Discards} Impact of utilizing a tax incentive to reduce illegal discards - \bibentry{hansen2006illegal}\\ \noindent Potential solutions - \bibentry{alverson1994global} \subsubsection*{Low Commercial Value} Case study of potential economic impacts for EU bans - \bibentry{catchpole2005discards}\\ \noindent Overview of cost accrument - \bibentry{alverson1994global} \subsubsection*{Monitoring and Prevention Costs} Employment of electronic monitoring for discards including a cost evaluation - \bibentry{bonney2009continued}\\ \noindent General overview of observer costs - \bibentry{alverson1994global} \subsection{Lecture 50} \subsubsection{Regulatory History} General overview - \bibentry{kelleher2005discards}\\ \noindent History of the EU discard ban - \bibentry{borges2015evolution} \subsubsection*{Discard Bans} Impact of using individual quotas on spatial and temporal effort allocation and over-quota discarding in multi-species fisheries - \bibentry{poos2010individual}\\ \noindent Case studies to show what's needed for a discard ban to be effective - \bibentry{condie2014incentivising} \subsubsection*{Generic Fishery Regulations} Effectiveness of several regulations at reducing discards explored through case studies - \bibentry{graham2007fishing}\\ \noindent Use of closures by Norway to reduce discards - \bibentry{gullestad2015discard}\\ \noindent Potential generic fisheries regulations developed around MSY - \bibentry{froese2011generic} \subsection*{Lecture 60} \subsubsection*{Economic impact of discard bans} Outline of when rules of followed including economic impact - \bibentry{nielsen2003important}\\ \noindent Bio-economic analysis of implementing by-catch reduces - \bibentry{raveau2012bio}\\ \noindent Economic assessment of a balanced harvesting system - \bibentry{charles2016balanced}\\ \noindent Economic impact from a fishermen's perspective - \bibentry{vestergaard1996discard} \subsection*{Lecture 70} \subsubsection*{Calculating Discards} Discards database and calculations - \bibentry{kelleher2005discards}\\ \noindent Issues with extrapolating discards data from on-observers to vessels without on-board observers - \bibentry{benoit2009can}\\ \noindent Calculating numbers-at-age for fish discards from landings-at-age data - \bibentry{casey1996estimating}\\ \noindent The amount of sampling required to determine discards by gear and country - \bibentry{allen2002multistage}\\ \noindent Determining discard hotspots using spatio-temporal bayesian models - \bibentry{pennino2014bayesian} \subsubsection*{Data Issues} Review of current discard data collection methodologies and the associated issues - \bibentry{bellido2011fishery}\\ \noindent Discard data issues under two different regulatory regimes - \bibentry{punt2006including}\\ \noindent Background to data issues including extrapolation issues - \bibentry{kelleher2005discards}\\ \subsubsection*{Including Discards in EAFM} How to incorporate discard data into EAFM within an EU context - \bibentry{bellido2011fishery}\\ \noindent Incorporating discard data into EAFM to determine year class distributions - \bibentry{punt2006including}\\ \noindent Inclusion of discard data into fisheries life cycle assessments - \bibentry{vazquez2012inclusion} \bibliographystyle{plainnat} \bibliography{t4readinglist} \end{document}