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\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %bibtex package \usepackage{natbib} \usepackage{bibentry} \nobibliography* \begin{document} \section*{Tutorial 5 Reading List} \subsection*{Lecture 10} Overview of how EAFM addresses these conflicts - Tutorial 3 of \bibentry{staples2014essential} \subsubsection*{Discard Trade-offs} Case study on the trade-off between the tuna fishery and dolphin by-catch - \bibentry{hall1998ecological}\\ \noindent Bio-economic trade-offs between discarding and sustaining local economies, a case study of the French Guiana shrimp fishery - \bibentry{martinet2009fishery}\\ \noindent Utilization of statistical analyses to analyze discard trade-offs - \bibentry{hall2005managing} \subsubsection*{Within Sector Trade-offs} Impact of fisheries on fish habitat and an evaluation of two management solutions - \bibentry{turner1999fishing}\\ \noindent Impact of undersized discards on the fishery - \bibentry{coggins2007effects} \subsubsection*{Acrossed Sector Trade-offs} Balancing commercial and recreational fishing regulations, a case study for Dungeness Crab in British Columbia - \bibentry{mackenzie2013building}\\ \noindent Balancing ecotoursim, i.e. whale watching, with local, small-scale fisheries in Baja California - \bibentry{young1999balancing}\\ \noindent Using ecosystem valuation studies to evaluate bio-economic trade-offs, a case study on dam removal in the Elwha River - \bibentry{gowan2006role} \subsubsection*{Evaluating and Including Trade-offs} Bio-economic indicators to include when balancing trade-offs - \bibentry{gascuel2012towards}\\ \noindent Analyzing the impact of co-occuring fisheries for inclusion in EAFM - \bibentry{houle2013emerging} \subsection*{Lecture 20} \subsubsection*{Economic Trade-offs} General overview of the economic trade-offs of discard regulation - \bibentry{pascoe1997bycatch}\\ \noindent Economic impact of initiating EAFM and the discard ban in the EU on fleets - \bibentry{druon2012scientific} \subsection*{Lecture 30} \subsubsection*{Social Trade-offs} Including and balancing societal considerations into management decisions - \bibentry{symes2009whatever}\\ \noindent Socio-economic trade-offs and their inclusion in EAFM, an EU example - \bibentry{santiagotranslating} \subsubsection*{Large vs. Small Scale Fisheries} General differences between large scale and small scale fisheries including their management and funding - \bibentry{jacquet2008funding}\\ \noindent Incorporating small scale fisheries into management plans given their fundamental differences - \bibentry{mathew2003small} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{t5readinglist} \end{document}