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\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %bibtex package \usepackage{natbib} \usepackage{bibentry} \nobibliography* \begin{document} \section*{Tutorial 9} \subsection*{Lecture 10} \subsubsection*{The 3 Stages, 5 Steps, 8 Tasks} General overview of the process - see Module 8 of \bibentry{staples2014essential} \subsubsection*{FMU} General overview of the process - see Module 10 of \bibentry{staples2014essential}\\ Determining FMU's based on a population genetic divergence - \bibentry{palsboll2007identification} \subsubsection*{Identifying and Prioritizing Issues} General overview fo the process - see Module 11 of \bibentry{staples2014essential}\\ Australian case study on using risk assessments to identify and prioritize issues - \bibentry{fletcher2005application} \subsubsection*{Management Objectives, Indicators, and Benchmarks} General overview of the process - see Module 13 of \bibentry{staples2014essential}\\ A framework for selecting indicators - \bibentry{rice2005framework} \subsubsection*{Management Actions} General overview of the process - see Module 14 of \bibentry{staples2014essential}\\ Determining management objectives using management-strategy-evaluation (MSE) methods within an ecosystem framework - \bibentry{sainsbury2000design} \subsection*{Lecture 20} \subsubsection*{Implementing EAFM} General overview of the process - see Module 15 of \bibentry{staples2014essential}\\ Overview of an EAFM implementation plan for Benguela - \bibentry{shannon2004ecosystem}\\ Overview of an EAFM implementation plan for the coral triangle - \bibentry{pomeroy2013coral} \subsection*{Lecture 30} \subsubsection*{Evaluating and Adapting the Management Plan} General overview of the process - see Module 17 of \bibentry{staples2014essential} \bibliographystyle{plainnat} \bibliography{t9readinglist} \end{document}